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Appointments: 678-456-2911
Daniel P. David, Ph.D., LCSW Therapist & Life Coach
Atlanta Men's Counseling Center
2342 Perimeter Park Drive, 2nd Floor
Atlanta, GA 30341
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Help for 20-Something Young Men in Atlanta.
If you're a guy in your 20's and you think you've lost your way, we are here to help you get back on track and reclaim your life! If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, relationship problems, addictions, sexuality, college performance, finding a career path, or needing to improve your self-identity, we are here for you!
Atlanta men's counseling center provides counseling therapy, addiction recovery treatments, and therapeutic life coaching for young adult men in their 20's. We are conveniently located in Atlanta.
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Are you a young man in your twenties?
Feeling lost or confused about your life?
Struggling with life-controlling problems?
Feeling depressed or anxious?
Having problems with relationships?
Not sure of your purpose or path in life?
Using drugs or alcohol to cope?
if so, we can help you
regain control of
Atlanta Men's Counseling Center provides counseling therapy, addiction recovery, and life coaching for young men in their 20's. As a young man, it is important to be given the right knowledge and tools to become successful based on the sort of life that you want to live! You will be empowered to:
Find direction for your life.
Overcome life-controlling problems.
Improve your self-confidence.
Learn Mastery Skills over your life.
Need Help?
Why Wait?
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Dr. Daniel P. David
Atlanta Men's Counseling Center Online
2342 Perimeter Park Drive
Atlanta, GA 30341
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from our previous location!
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Identity-Focused Therapy and Life Coaching for Young Men
in Their Twenties!
Dr. David specializes in "Identity-Focused Therapy" for young men in their 20's. Developing a sense of Self or Identity is an essential part of maturing into adulthood. Becoming the sort of man that you want to be in the future takes time and is full of challenges. Not having a solid sense of self-identity or struggling with identity issues may cause insecurity about the future and lead to depression and anxiety.
How Identity Therapy and Life Coaching can Help You:
If you are a young man who is struggling to find your place in the world, there is hope for you! Identity is an overall sense of self. When a young man has a healthy identity, he's more inclined to feel confident about himself and the direction of his life.
Identity-focused therapy for 20-something young men addresses the major questions and issues that young men face in their 20's during their "first adult decade."
Through therapy and life coaching, you will work through the questions that many young men seek answers to in their twenties. Many guys struggle with these basic questions:
Who am I?
What do I want to do with my life?
Where do I fit in the world?
What is my purpose?
Why am I here?
What is my role in different aspects of my life?
How do I build a life worth living?
How do I plan for a career?
How do I create lasting friendships?
Who loves me? Whom can I love?
How do I find direction for my life?
How do I date and have romantic relationships?
How do I overcome drug or alcohol addictions?
How can I stop self-sabotaging behaviors?
How do I define success in my life?
Discovering your authentic self can be empowering. Having a positive self-identity helps a young man to be more decisive in his daily activities. A healthy identity dissolves self-doubt and generates motivation for achieving personal goals and self-actualization.
Young men who struggle with self-identity issues often experience these conditions and experience positive growth and recovery once they have strengthened their self-identity and confidence:
Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Relationship problems
Sexual Identity
Anger & Aggression
Through Identity Therapy in combination with Life Coaching, young men are guided and mentored to find their own directions in life. Life Coaching includes navigating college and academic pursuits, vocational planning, career planning, and building a life worth living!
If you're a young man struggling, why wait?
Call today!
* Please leave your name and a number and we will contact you as so as possible!
Our Metro Atlanta Metropolitan services areas include Atlanta, Alpharetta, Brookhaven, Johns Creek, Marietta, Roswell, Decatur, Lawrenceville, Buckhead, Roswell, Duluth, Woodstock, Acworth, Sandy Springs, Symrna, Ellijay, and North Georgia.
Men and the Root of Anger
Article by Therapist Daniel P. David, PhD, LCSW
Men experience anger on all levels. We can easily see men with rage, aggression, and violence, but few people recognize the other signs of anger in men, such as depression, being hard on oneself, the need to be perfect, the need to be tough, and the obsession to achieve. Whenever I spend time working with men examining their sources of anger, they are often surprised at how deep their anger goes into the very core of who they are and into the formation of their identities.
It is important to understand the confusion that men have with anger.
First, anger, most often starts in boyhood and is confused with "power" and "strength" in young males. This confusion comes because anger "feels" powerful, especially if a boy is fearful and wants to find a way to cover up the fear with something that emboldens and energizes him.
Second, the confusion about anger is further compounded by a boy's experience with angry adults, who look and feel more powerful and "threatening" in their expressions of anger. Expressing anger as a source of power often becomes a boy's way to cover up his own fear, weaknesses, or shame. The problem is that the boy learns to depend upon using anger for getting his needs met, instead of being able to appropriately express his needs. In other words, boys can get "addicted to anger" because in a twisted way, it gets them instant benefits, such as: relief from unacceptable feelings (e.g., fear, shame, guilt, etc.), instant gratification of demands, or a sense of feeling powerful or invincible. This usually carries on into adult life as a "habit" that gets out of control. Our jails and prisons are full of men for whom anger became their only way (habit) of getting their needs met. This is why the emphasis of my psychotherapy practice with men is to "heal the wounds and hurts behind the anger" so that men can experience freedom from anger's vices.
Finally, anger most typically gets transformed into aggression in young males, which becomes another source of confusion, since boys in general are encouraged or rewarded for their aggression, especially in terms of sport competition.
Some may argue that aggression in sports is a good way of channeling anger, but most men I talk with don't know how to "switch it off," especially at times when the anger-aggression may become triggered by feelings of being threatened or fear of being vulnerable.
As I encourage most men, I am encouraging you to understand that working one-on-one with a therapist can help you to discover the roots of your anger and help you with the "how to's" of appropriately expressing it. I've worked with hundreds of men of all ages, and I've seen the transformations and healing that therapy has provided for men who felt that their anger was out of control. They were able to find healing for themselves and their relationships.
If you're wanting to find a new path toward a healthy way of managing and dealing with your anger, call us today.
Atlanta Men's Counseling Therapy
& Life Coaching
Welcome to Therapy that Empowers Young Men to Live Successfully in a Fast-Changing World!
Atlanta Men's Counseling Center
Call to make an appointment:
(Please leave a voice message with name and your phone number)
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(call 911 in emergencies)
For Concerned Parents or Adults:
Contrary to the belief that identity development only happens during adolescence, a young man's identity needs to develop well into his mid-to-late twenties. But, unfortunately, most parents and educators fail to see the need for ongoing identity coaching and mentoring for young men well into their first adult decade. Many young men get lost in the system. They can become overwhelmed and even shut down by the challenges that they face in universities, in society, and in relationships. This is the reason that young men in this age group report high levels of depression, anxiety and substance use.
If you have a young man that you're concerned about, call Dr. Daniel P. David for a free 15-minute consultation. (678)456-2911 (In case of emergencies, call 911).
Young Men's Issues
Positive Male Identity Development - 20+ Young Guys ~ self-discovery, life goals, career, confidence-building, addiction recovery, social relationships, identity, dating, etc. Masculinity is NOT toxic!
Men's Trauma & PTSD
General Anxiety, Social Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Men Intimacy & Relationship Issues
Communication Issues
Self-Esteem, Confidence, & Competitive Issues
Porn Addiction
Workaholic Issues
Work, Life & Family Balance Issues
Bipolar Disorder
Stress-related Health Problems
Grief & Loss
Emotional Problems
Borderline Personality Disorder in Men
Relationship Breakups
Marriage Issues
Families in Crisis
Parenting Issues
Spiritual Concerns
Religious abuse & indoctrination
Job-related Stress
Career Development Concerns
Social Skills
Isolation & Fears

Are you having a Quarter-Life Crisis?

Quarter-life crises: A quarter-life crisis typically occurs between the ages of 25 and 30. It often revolves around the challenges that arise from young adults newly living life on their own and feeling overwhelmed with new responsibilities; it can also happen after the birth of a child or if a person graduates from college and cannot find a job in their chosen field. If you are experiencing a quarter-life crisis, we can help!
Meet Daniel P. David, Ph.D., LCSW
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Male Identity-Focused Therapy & Life Coaching
(By Dr. Daniel P. David)
Here is a guide to how you can get the most out of your therapy and life coaching experience.
What is identity? Identity is central to how a man sees himself. Identity is like an internal Selfie that determines how you feel about your overall self-worth and confidence. Your identity is what distinguishes you from others and gives you a clear sense of who you are. In psychology, identity is made up of all of your qualities, beliefs, personality traits, looks and/or expressions that make you who you are as a person (self-identity) and/or as a member of a group (particular social category or social group).
Diffuse Identity ~ The term "identity diffusion" refers to the incompletion of the developmental process of a person figuring out who they are. Guys can get stuck somewhere in their identity development. They can develop confusion about some aspect of their identity (e.g., where they fit in; who accepts them; their roles in life, and what direction their life is going, etc.). Identity confusion is a prolonged state of being unsure about your identity ~ you haven’t quite figured it out. A negative identity is where a young guy rejects some aspect of who he is. Identity diffusion, identity confusion, and a negative identity can last later into adulthood if the process of self-identity development is not completed. Having a negative self-identity can create serious depression and anxiety in men. A negative self-identity can have a major impact on your relationships, career path, job performances, and your outlook on life.
Why is Identity so important? Your identity is core to your self-understanding and self-awareness. How you see yourself based on your self-identity will determine what choices and decisions you’ll make throughout your lifetime. When you have a healthy self-identity, you’re more likely to have a better sense of self-worth and confidence in yourself. Achieving a healthier, more positive self-identity is a goal in your therapy and life coaching.
Are male identity and masculinity under assault? Yes, there is an underlying crisis in male identity, which is impacting men of all ages and is causing serious confusion and issues among Millennials and Generation Z men. Negative terms like “toxic masculinity,” “man-splaining,” “man-spreading,” “masculinities,” and similar terms are used to shame men and masculinity as is evident throughout social media and academia today. In Dr. David’s therapy practice, we choose a more male-positive approach to dealing with masculinity, male identity, and male behaviors. Instead of “toxic masculinity,” we use terms like “healthy versus unhealthy” or “initiated versus uninitiated” male identity and male behaviors. We do not shame men! Like a tree, men and masculinity have many variations (branches) that stem from their biological male sex chromosomes (the tree trunk). We honor each guy’s personal choices for how they express themselves. We are male affirming regardless of sexual orientation.
What is the overall goal of your work through therapy? Achieving a more positive, healthier Self-Identity that comes with self-understanding and self-mastery is the goal of your work in therapy. Not only healing past emotional wounds and traumas but also learning how to be a better person is the aim of your work on yourself in therapy. When working with Dr. David, you will experience several levels of psychotherapeutic work to foster psychological and emotional healing. Here are the levels:
Level 1 Crisis management – the goals are 1) stabilization of the individual and 2) to address the “urgencies” in a person’s life. Level 2 Psychodynamic and psychoanalytical therapy – the tasks are to 1) explore your development history, 2) identify unconscious past emotional wounds, 3) do Shadow work through the Hero’s Journey 4) do inner child work, 5) identify your narrative, 6) raise consciousness of your underlying unconscious thought patterns, 7) connect with your emotions, 8) and foster emotional healing through several stages and techniques, Level 3 Evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “Change your thoughts, change your life” is the focus of CBT. Working with the mechanics of what you think, how you think, what you believe, and changing your habitual thought patterns into healthier ways of thinking. Level 4 Life Coaching – learning life skills (e.g., self-care, relationships, etc.), college academic coaching, career coaching, leadership, and social coaching. Life Coaching helps to increase self-mastery. Level 5 Executive Psychological Coaching – navigating work relationships aimed at increasing your overall effectiveness in your position.